her hair is always a mess, catch her stealin' she won't confess.

About Me

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hiii, my name is sam. i am the coolest girl in the world with the best daughter in the world :) my boyfriend is pretty cool, his name is dru :) our dog elmerrrrrr is the most photogenic dog in the world. :) i am going to school to be a wedding planner and i work at a gas station. pretty sweeet huh?

Sunday, May 1, 2011

CANVAS PAINTING....my new found love. :)

I have recently found a new love and am FINALLY going to go through with fulfilling it! I have ALWAYS loved canvas paintings and have always looked at it in stores and on the internet but as you see, its always wayyyyyyy to expensive and if you have a creative bone in your body, you would be able to see that you CAN do it yourself and it is soooo fun. Dru and I wanted more art to make our apartment more lively so we went out to the BEST art store around, hobby lobby, we bought like every single color of paint that we liked and bought our canvas for our very first art adventure. We started by painting the small canvas' grey, a very neutral color.
We have a bird/tree theme going on in our bedroom so we thought that putting different color birds on top of the grey canvas would be an awesome thought. I loved it because if you know me, you know that I am a very bold person and love color! This project took no time at all, waiting for the paint to dry was the longest part of the project. We had so much fun together doing this project for our apartment to make it more US.

This was the outcome. I think they are perfect for us. :) This was my first canvas project and that is when I realized that this could be my hobby and something that would make me feel good about myself. We also bought 2 very large, long canvas' to paint something to go with these pieces but we are still working to make them perfect.


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