her hair is always a mess, catch her stealin' she won't confess.

About Me

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hiii, my name is sam. i am the coolest girl in the world with the best daughter in the world :) my boyfriend is pretty cool, his name is dru :) our dog elmerrrrrr is the most photogenic dog in the world. :) i am going to school to be a wedding planner and i work at a gas station. pretty sweeet huh?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Dear Taylor Swift, without you I would die, FOR SURE!

Not a single day without Taylor!!

Every single one of her songs is related to my life!!!!
I'll show you! I'll put a lyric and if you REALLY know me you will know EXACTLY what part of my life that it is about :))))

----i'm dying to know is it's killing you like its killing me. the story of  us looks a lot like a tragedy now.  "the story of us "

------this is looking like a contest, of who can act like they can care less but i liked it better when you were on my side. the battles in your hands now but i would lay my armor down if you say you'd rather love than fight.  " the story of us "

-------so this is me swallowing my pride , standing in front of you , saying i'm sorry for that night . i miss your tan skin , your sweet smile , so good to me , so right.   if we loved again , i swear i'd love you right.
" back to december "

--------there is nothing i do better than revenge. sophistication isn't what you wear or you who you know or pushing people down to get you where you wanna go.  " better than revenge "
-----you, with your words like knives and swords and weapons that you use against me. you have knocked me off my feet again got me feeling like i'm nothing. you can take me down with just one single blow. you have pointed out my flaws again as if i don't already see them. i walk with my head down trying to block you out cuz i'll NEVER impress you, i just wanna feel okay again. some day i'll be living in a big ole' city & all you're ever gonna be is mean. "  mean  "

Wake-up and smell the break up. Realize that we won't make up.It didn't go the way you planned. And you'll know you didn't beat me when you look down and see I got an "I Heart ?" written on the back of my hand. " i heart question mark "

-------and we know its never simple, never easy. never a clean break no one here to save me. you're the only thing i know like the back of my hand.  " breathe "

-----you are everything to me, i just want to show you ,  she don't even know you , shes never gonna love you like i want to , and you just see right through me but if you only knew me , we could be a beautiful miracle instead i'm just invisible. " invisible "

------you're beautiful, every little piece love, don't you know you're really gonna be someone, ask anyone.
"  stay beautiful.   "

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